Creating a multiple choices quiz

You can simply create a multiple choices quiz from ChatGPT by following the below:

1- Specifify what you want to get

     Example” Create a multiple choices quiz”

2- Specifiy how many questions you want and with how many choices also do not forget to ask for the answer

    Example ” Create a multiple choices quiz composed of 4 questions with 4 multiples choice and provide the answer”

3- Specifiy from where to get the information for the questions

    Example A ” Create a multiple choices quiz composed of 4 questions with 4 multiples choice and provide the answer from any information I add in this chat”

    Example B ” Create a multiple choices quiz composed of 4 questions with 4 multiples choice and provide the answer from any topic I add in this chat”

4- Make a name for the chat for the future so you only add the information or topic and get the questions immediately.


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